Power Sources for Electric Vehicles
in: Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry
Karl V. Kordesch
New York automobiles consume a billion gallons of gasoline per year, 70 million of these are discharged into the air as hydrocarbons, and each day 8.3 million pounds of carbon monoxide and 212,000 pounds of nitrogen oxides are added to the atmosphere of that city.
In addition there is carbon dioxide, which is the main reaction product and will be produced even by the cleanest combustion engine using the most purified fuel based on fossil hydrocarbon sources.
Climatic effects of an increasing carbon dioxide level are predicted by some scientists.
- Paperback: in Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry pages 339-443
- Publisher: Springer
- Language: English
- ISBN 978-1-4615-7448-4
- ISBN 978-1-4615-7446-0
- ISBN 978-1-4615-7446-0_7