contact : b.maisseu@orange.fr

News Records
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Electric Cars May Be About 50% On Their Way To Market Domination (December 17, 2013)
When a new technology goes from no market share to market domination, it does not follow a linear growth trend. It follows an exponential growth curve — commonly, an S-curve. In other words, it may seem to be growing slowly at the beginning, but the dynamics ... (more)

Berkeley Lab Develop Lithium-Sulfur Battery Good For 300 Mile Range (November 20, 2013)
Scientists at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory have designed and tested an all-solid lithium-sulfur battery with approximately four times the energy density of ... (more)

Graphene Supercapacitors Ready For Electric Vehicles (November 13, 2013)
Automakers are always searching for ways to improve the efficiency, and therefore the range, of electric vehicles. One way to do this is to regenerate and reuse the energy ... (more)

Electric Car Sales Grow 361% In 2013 (YTD) (November 07, 2013)
The strong growth of electric car and plug-in hybrid electric car US sales is really no longer a story — they’ve been ... (more)

ZF and Levant Partner to Develop Regenerative Suspension (August 28, 2013)
Regenerative brakes are increasingly becoming a popular option on new cars as a way to save energy, and soon that technology could be joined by another engineering breakthrough ... (more)

New all-solid sulfur-based battery outperforms lithium-ion technology (July 13, 2013)
The world of rechargeable batteries is full of trade-offs. While lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are currently the most commercially successful, their low f ... (more)

Scientists increase lithium-sulfur battery lifetime by 10x (February 25, 2013)
The world of rechargeable batteries is full of trade-offs. While lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are currently the most commercially successful, their low ... (more)

Toyota testing wireless charging for electric cars (January 02, 2013)
Toyota has started field trials with a wireless charging system that allows electric cars to replenish their batteries without needing a point of contact ... (more)